APRIL 1901

PARISH REGISTER:       Baptisms
Feb. 24 – Christopher Horace, son of William and Fanny Susannah Winders, Broadheath.
Mar.  3 – Ernest Henry, son of Charles and Emily Pritchard, Peachley Court Farm.
It may be of interest to many to hear that the population of Hallow and Broadheath has increased by 51 since 1891.  The inhabitants of Hallow outside the City boundary number 833 and those of Broadheath 500, making a total of 1,333 as against 1,282 in 1891.
It is earnestly requested that all cases of Sickness may be reported to the Clergy and Nurse.

We have been asked by the Treasurer, Mr. Lord, to call the attention of the Parishioners to the Nursing Fund and Parish Rooms Fund.

The cost of the Nurse is roughly speaking £70 a year, and towards this there are, at the present time, 7 Subscribers amounting to £1. 10s. 0d. making a total of £47. 13s. 0d.  Considering the benefit the services of the Nurse are to the poor people of the Parish, we feel that the Fund is not properly supported.
The Annual Dinner and Fete of the Foresters took place on Thursday, June 6th.  After the usual parade, the members and friends assembled for Dinner at the Crown Inn, where the Vicar presided.  In proposing the toast Success to Court "Pride of the Heath” the Chairman congratulated the Court on its satisfactory progress during the past year.  There was an increase of 12 in the members, and of £129 in the funds which now amount to over £2,412.  A particularly encouraging feature is the number of probationary members, 30 of whom are on the books, a number only exceeded by 20 Courts in all England and Wales.  Such a result must be very gratifying to all concerned, especially as Forestry would seem to be losing ground somewhat in other parts of the County and indeed in the Country generally.

The Foresters attended Church on the evening of Trinity Sunday, when the collection was for the Worcester Infirmary, and amounted to £1. 9s. 0d.


The School Treat has been fixed for Tuesday afternoon, August 6th, and will be held this year by kind permission of Mr. F. J. A. Wood and Mr. Wheeler in the Park.  Mr. Scott’s Roundabout has been engaged for the occasion.

To read extracts from PARISH MAGAZINES PRINTED DURING WWI (OCTOBER 1914 TO OCTOBER 1919 inclusive), please click here

EXTRACTS from the Parish Magazine - OCTOBER 1945 

The boys have now reached a stage when they need some men’s voices to help them and keep the balance. We are very glad to see one or two who come occasionally but we do so need a few men who will come fairly regularly and who can be relied upon to take their part in the choir work. Young men, whose voices are just developing, will be particularly welcome.

After several years of service, Mr. Garrett has resigned owing to failing eyesight and general health. We were more than grateful to him for taking over the duties of organist at a time when it was extremely difficult for any vacancy in organists to be filled. In spite of bad weather, failing eyesight and rheumatism, Mr. Garrett cycled out from the town and took his place at the organ. Some of us have been able to hear him play for special services and soon realised that he was an accomplished player. We wish him happiness in his retirement and thank him for helping us; at the same time he has volunteered to come along whenever we need him. 

Mr. Griffin will have taken over the work of organist by the time this Magazine is issued. He will have the advantage of having an electric blower for the organ. Mrs. Huband and Mr. Collier are kindly carrying on with the Choir. 

We must not forget the one whose services have been quite indispensable – the organ blower. It will be quite strange not to see him in his place each Sunday, and we must say “thank you” to him for his regularity and punctuality at his important work. 

The electric blower has been paid for by a few very generous friends in the Parish, and we are very grateful to them for their readiness to help us in this way.  (The handle for the Blower was still in place in the 1950s. It was at the Altar end of the organ and as children my cousins and I had great fun playing with it whilst our mothers were cleaning the church! , Anne Stark)

There are only a few copies not ordered. So far we have been able to pay our way and put a little in hand until we can enlarge the Magazine when paper control allows this. But if anyone wants a copy they must order it; last month only five copies were placed in Church, so when these have been ordered no copies will be available for the table in Church. 

Burials     September 3 Charity Hodgkins, Shoulton, aged 30 years. 
                September 4 Clara Elizabeth Austin, The Laurels, aged 72 years